Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Deck tech Wednesdays- Con's Return!

Is this thing working? XD

Finally back up, after the month of settling into the new place (and waiting for my internet provider to come over and set up the network)

Missed me? XD

Anyways, this week, i'll be looking at a fun Rogue deck i've been thinking of recently. Doubt it'll ever be a viable deck in the metagame, seeing how competitive it's getting recently.

Here's my list for this week:


First one to guess what this deck does gets a cookie!

No seriously. I've been thinking about Death's Shadow and how to maximize it's huge P/T. Then i read an article from years back about such a deck. So after some testing, i've devised this little number out.
This deck was actually played by me back in Zendikar block (of course, in standard at the time so it was pretty different)
So let's take a look at the cards:


Death's Shadow- 

This guy gets bigger and bigger as the game goes on. You'll find that taking some damage in the earlier portion of the game is no big deal, because the opponent is just contributing to the cause.
For obvious reasons, he'll only be 12/12. but for 1 mana, thats freaking amazing.

Kiln fiend-

This deck plays loads of cheap burn spells, making Kiln Fiend an offensive powerhouse. He helps make it worth your mana burning creatures rather than face.

Goblin Bushwhacker-

Enables haste on your shadows, makes swinging for lethal that much easier

Other spells:

Ad Nauseam-

The main combo piece of this deck.
So let's imagine (with aid from Cockatrice XD)

So it's your opponent's End step. and you throw out the Nauseam.

And you draw loads of stuff

Then you draw yourself down to about. 4-ish life. (I KNOW. ITS A RISK)

At one point the field may look like this:
No, Goblins don't speak Hokkien
No seriously, on an empty Field, thats game.

Burn spells:

pretty much any burn package of about 20-22 burn spells work here. I personally prefer not to use too many board wipes such as pyroclasm, preferring to leave them in the side board. Instead, Electrickery does a pretty good job nailing the small fry. (and Thalia ^^||)

The lands:

Nothing special here. Loads more Red sources for obvious reasons, the list does get it's double black quite consistently.

And that's it for this week!
Instead of posting another sorry monkey, i would like to apologize for being inactive these last few weeks. Until next week!


1 comment:

  1. ARGH i think i may have misspelt Chiong XD

    sorry hor, i eat potato one XD
