Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friday Night Modern 4/1/2013

Well, well, well, well, well.

What do we have here? A tournament report? After so long? Impossible! And yet it's true. Yesterday, Games Haven hosted the first ever Friday Night Modern and we showed up to show our support for it! There was a whooping 11 players, which is a lot more than the people we usually get on Sundays. And, we even managed to get Ryan to finally play after a long time.

Let's get right down to the tournament report.

As usual, I was piloting my trusty GR Tron deck.

Round 1: Zoo (My opponent was known as Raccoon, I think)

Game 1: A turn 3 Karn ensured I was able to get the advantage on him though it got killed off the next turn by a Bloodbraid Elf. A Wurmcoil Engine ensured I could stall long enough until I could pull off an Emrakul and win the game. I did make a misplay when he used a Path to Exile on my Wurmcoil and I forgot to search out a basic land. Thankfully, I had a land in my hand which made sure I could pull out my Emrakul.

Game 2: I drew a godly hand of all 3 Tron pieces, an Oblivion Stone and a Karn. He pulled off a Thalia on Turn 2, and swung me for 3 damage since he also had Hierarch. I had to pull out Oblivion Stone on Turn 3, and then a Karn on Turn 4 ensured that he scooped.

Results: OO

Round 2: Planeswalker Control (Elmo)
I love playing against Elmo, it's always so fun. While we were playing our match, we kept pausing to look over at Ryan play against a Matyr/Soul Sisters deck, his worst matchup since he was playing RDW. It was so funny to watch.

Game 1: Elmo had to mulligan down to 6, and he scooped when I pulled off a Turn 4 Karn.

I sided in some enchantment hate since I heard him talking to the others about not drawing Spreading Seas.

Game 2: I honestly can't remember much of this game until he pulled out an Ajani Vengeant, controlling my mana since I couldn't untap one Tower. He managed to get it up to 6 counters and then I drew an Ulamog to destroy it. He pulled another one out though, and I started panicking until I drew a Wurmcoil Engine to deal with it, which got hit by a Path to Exile. I was eventually able to pull out an Emrakul with the help of Gruul Signet when his Ajani Vengeant was at 6 counters.

Results: OO

Round 3: Jund (Jun Hao)
He offered to give me the win since I was 2-0 and he was 1-1 and I would get the FNM foil and he gets a pack. We decided to play for fun. I don't remember the details of the games except that I got hit by a Sowing Salts in Game 3 after I got a Wurmcoil out and then I slowly died to his Goyfs and Liliana.

Results OXX

Afterwards, we played a round of Pack Wars with amongst the group of us. Ryan and Mizuki pulled a Blood Crypt from their pack while Con pulled a Sphinx Revealations. I was unable to draw any lands but Swamps, Forests and Plains throughout the entire game though I was the third last survivor.

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