Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Deck Tech Wednesdays - Dragonstorm- Con

Phew, finally getting a break between activities to blog.
So anyways, as Zane has mentioned in his tourney report for last sunday's event, i was playing Dragonstorm. I actually had this deck for quite awhile and decided to dust off the rituals and go to town  XD.

Storm is a pretty big combo archetype around that focuses on the namesake mechanic first appearing in scourge (If i remember correctly) and using rituals to build up loads of mana and storm count.

Dragonstorm was the variation of the storm deck i decided to sleeve up for the competition. Why? Because i love dragons, storms and any deck easy to play. Okay fine it wasn't THAT easy to play for me.

Anyhow, lets check out my list!

The Lands:


Spinerock Knoll: 
Useful in cheating Dragonstorms on. Can also be used to bridge the gap between the burn strategy and the storm strategy. In fact, i think i've actually heard people call this deck knollstorm. Probably due to the usefulness of this card as a finisher.

Molten Slagheap/Fungal reaches:
Storage lands to create large explosions of mana when ready for the storm. useful as mana sinks throughout the gam.

The spells:

Lotus Bloom: 
Can usually put the opponent on a 3 turn clock. T1 lotus bloom suspend is pretty sick if you're kicking off the storm or not. It's awesome because when it's 3 time counters are gone, it will also be cast, meaning it would contribute to the storm count.

Lightning Bolt:
This deck also relies on a burn-esque strategy in order to activate the Spinerock Knoll

More cheap burn spells

Grapeshot is an amazing win condition due to it's super synergy with Pyromancer's swath. when stormed and when the swath is in play, each copy will deal 3 points of damage, making this a very powerful spell to blow up an opponent's face.

Increasing vengeance:
Used as a way to copy your own rituals for larger explosions of mana. Interacts awesomely with Past in flame due to it's 'cast from graveyard' bonus. 
The past in flames also let u pay {R}{R} for the vengeance and still cast from the graveyard. I almost feel like i'm cheating someone whenever i pull this off XD

Seething song-->flash back vengeance = 15 mana!

Desperate Ritual:
The very first of the rituals. They help increase your mana and your storm count, making this one of the most important spells in the game. The ability to splice into each other is also a nice bonus

Seething song:
The bigger ritual. Usually pulling off most kills with storm involves seething song.

Pyromancer's swath:
awesome interaction with grapeshot. Also facilitates the switch to the burn 'mode'. Can also be used to get rid of spells in order to use them in conjunction with Past in Flames

Past in Flames:
Modern legal Yawgmoth's Will?! Yes please! Haha, this spell is the one that lets us use the graveyard as fuel for the storm later on in the game. It can also be used to pull off shenanigans all over the field. Past in Flames also helps the storm count jump by allowing the same spells to be played on the same turn. Especially if they are ritual spells.

Bogardan Hellkite:
The main attraction to Dragonstorm. When all 4 are out, the dragons deal lethal. JUST BY ENTERING THE BATTLEFIELD.

And this is how you pull out 4 freaking 8 mana dragons. Really.
Most storm chains end in Dragonstorm or Grapeshot. 

Well that's about it for this week everyone, next week i'll be piloting this deck again in order to get a feel for the deck. Heck i might even play it abit more often. haha! Storm is definitely more fun that i had originally thought. Plus it helped me win second prize last sunday :P

Until next time, Con out! 

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