Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tournament Report 14/10/2012

It's finally time for another tournament report! After our playgroup took a break from Magic for the past two weeks, we're finally ready to roll! I went into this tournament with only two hours of sleep due to some sleeping issues, so I didn't do that well. We were playing with a new payout, with a $10 entry fee.
12 points gets 10 RtR booster packs,
9-11 points gets 4 RtR booster packs
6-8 points gets 2 RtR booster packs
0-5 points gets 1 RtR pack

Now, less talk and more reporting.

Deck used: GR Tron

Round 1: Dragonstorm  (Con)
He was playing Storm today as he wasn't done with his new deck yet.

Game 1: He gets his Storm combo off and killed me with a 24 damage Grapeshot while I struggled to get my Tron pieces.

Game 2: He couldn't get his combo working, while I got Karn and Ulamog out.

Game 3: He mulls down to 5 cards on the play and still got a pretty crappy hand, so he scooped after a few turns.

Results: XOO

Round 2: American Delver? (Jason)
I'm not actually sure what deck he was playing, but I assumed that it was American Delver judging by the colours used.

Game 1: He managed to drop a Turn 3 Geist, but I managed to get rid of it using Pyroclasm as he was all tapped out. It was useless though, as he was able to stop me from searching out my Tron lands using counter spells while slowly beating me down using Mutavault and Snapcaster Mage.

Game 2: I had to take a lot of damage while assembling my Tron lands, and was one turn away from dropping Emrakul for game as I was at 13 mana. Unfortunately, I messed up on my turn, using the Chromatic Sphere that I had on field to draw instead of waiting to use it on his turn to blow up one of his creatures using Combust, which would have ensured that I would survive his turn and drop Emrakul on mine.

Results: XX

Round 3: Jund (Johnson)
It's time to battle Jund again! I heard from Elmo he was running Sowing Salts this time round, which worried me a little.

Game 1: I managed to drop an early Karn to get rid of his Tarmogoyf before it wreck my face in. Karn also
controlled his board pretty well, depriving him of his lands. When he finally managed to get rid of my Karn, I drew into another one, dropping an Ulamog the turn after that. He scooped after that.

Game 2: He played a Thoughtseize on Turn 1, ripping Karn right out of my hand. I struggled to get my Tron pieces up while he destroyed them with a Tectonic Edge and controlled my hand with Liliana. I was unable to recover from that, so I lost.

Game 3: I managed to get Tron online, but he completely screws me over with Sowing Salts, exiling all my Urza Towers. Needless to say, I wasn't able to recover from that and lost to him.

Results: OXX

Round 4: UG Tron (JY)
A Tron matchup! We were both playing to see who would get the second pack as we were both 1-2 at this point.

Game 1: He pulls off his Mindslaver combo, which meant I lost.

Game 2: He mulls down to 4 and scoops shortly after being unable to recover from the 3 card deficit.

Game 3:  I finally understand how it feels like to be on the receiving end of a Turn 3 Karn, which ensured that I wouldn't get Tron online, which means I lose.

Results: XOX

So, I ended up going 1-3 this tournament. Oh well. We played two rounds of Pack Wars with the boosters we got from the tournament, though I had to buy a pack for the second round. I ended up pulling some pretty meh cards, while Con, Elmo and JY got Shock lands for their packs.

We went for dinner afterwards and dropped by World of JJ afterwards to get a pack. I managed to pull an Abrupt Decay from the pack I got, which was pretty cool. I might consider playing a different deck next week, seeing as everyone seems to be running a lot of land hate for any potential Valakaut decks, which means that I'm basically collateral damage in the war against Valakaut decks. Q.Q.

Until the next tournament then. Peace out!


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