Friday, September 28, 2012

Pack to Deck : The journey of a startup trader - Dan

Up, up and away! Imagine the coins being MtG cards, aye? :P

So me and Con read about Jonhatan Medina who started off with a booster pack and then went on a trading spree until at last, he got a Mox Pearl. Impressive, I know. Which is why we decided to give it a shot!

So I'll be the one who will be embarking on this journey. I am not aiming to be like Johnathan though. I'm not trading for a piece of the power 9. No.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Deck Tech Wednesdays - Con -Doran Rock

Welcome back to another modern Deck Tech Wednesdays!

Today, i'll be talking about Doran! Everyone's favorite Siege Tower!

Doran Doran Doran, the explorer!
Editor's note: Really, Con? Really?
So, what makes Doran an awesome card?
He's 0/5. Under normal circumstance, he probably not the scariest thing around.
However, his effect makes it such that creatures deal damage according to their toughness.
Yes, this means that this dude is swinging for 5 on turn 3!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tournament Report 23/9/2012

Let's see, how did the song go again? Something like "Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns."

The fight to defeat the Huns and defend our honour was supposed to begin at 2:45PM today, though I ran a little late because I had to run back home for my armour(read wallet), which meant I barely made it to the battlefield on time. I rushed out my deck list, and paid for registration right before the tournament began.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Deck Tech Wednesdays - Con - Naya Pod

Welcome to the very first Deck tech Wednesday! In this weekly post, i'll be talking about different modern decks! Sometimes i'll discuss established decks in the meta game and other times i'll be talking about rogue ideas etc etc.

This week, i'm gonna talk about Naya Pod.
I actually intend to run this deck this coming sunday (23rd september) at GH's Dark Confidant modern tourney. I actually play Melira pod, an older variant of this deck, on a regular basis and have come to accept it as my 'default' deck for the format. But recently it's been feeling a tad weak. So, i've decided to run out with Naya pod this weekend (assuming i can complete it by then). Let's get right into it then!

Deck: Naya Pod

RedRy(19092012)-Aggro, Red and how Aggro is typically played.

Because John Avon Mountains rock.
SO, my first official column!
I'll be talking every week about Aggro, Red and Fast decks that aim to win. I'll also do SCA(Single Card Analysis) of new cards relevant to my colours or my playstyle!
Again, I'm Ryan Loh, and welcome to RedRy.

Introduction-Ryan Loh, Red Freak.

Why hello there!

Nice to meet you. I'm Ryan Loh, and unlike my comrades, I don't embrace the anonymity.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Playstyles Breakdown - Constantine

Because...Magic is a Contested Warzone!
Alright, just like in any other format in MTG there will be several well developed playstyles that players use. I'll go through all of these styles while relating them to modern.

One of the most reliable beaters Blue gets.
The concept of Tempo essentially is dropping a threat early game that will likely end the game several turns later. First, dropping the threat early on then protecting it while it whittles the opponent down in a matter of turns.

*Insert Derp Face here*

Why hello there, and welcome to my very first blog post for this blog. I'm Zane, the owner of this blog, and a member of Team Tableflip, a Singapore-based MTG playgroup that specialises in the Modern format. The other members of the team are helping me with this blog because I'm still relatively new to both MTG and its competitive scene. Today, I'm going to be talking about how and why I got into Magic: The Gathering.

Yoo~ Intro from me, for me~ :3 - Dan

Dan's the name, and MtG...! Is totally not my game~ Haha! Why do I say that? Well~~ I just started dabbing into MtG like.. This year? A few months back? So I'mma be a total newbie! xD But then what am I doing in a competitive team, you ask? Well.... It all started on one fine day. When the sounds of the birds singing filled the air...........

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Modern (Legality) - Constantine

As mentioned, Modern is the format that Team Tableflip specializes in. Most of us are Modern players with some other formats on the side.
This is an introduction into Modern as a format.

Firstly, What cards can be played in Modern?
As the name implies, cards with modern card frames can be played in modern. Which means every card since Wizards decided to change the card frames back in 8th edition is Modern playable minus a small ban list.

Modern, Not Modern

An introduction - Constantine

Hello everyone,
I'm Constantine. I'm a 19 year old (as of this post) medical student, and i love Magic.
I started playing when i was 6 years old, over at some shop at siglap center own by an 'Uncle Fabian'.
I only started competitive Standard back in Lor-Ala standard. Running the Doran Rock deck which, at the time was a pretty big deck.