Wednesday, September 19, 2012

RedRy(19092012)-Aggro, Red and how Aggro is typically played.

Because John Avon Mountains rock.
SO, my first official column!
I'll be talking every week about Aggro, Red and Fast decks that aim to win. I'll also do SCA(Single Card Analysis) of new cards relevant to my colours or my playstyle!
Again, I'm Ryan Loh, and welcome to RedRy.

The original.
Red is a passionate colour. Flavour wise, a colour with regards to Love, Passion and pure, unadulterated Emotion.
Red tends to be impulsive, tends to live in the moment, and mechanically, Red mechanics are usually just that.
Reckless, impulsive and explosive.

Con mentioned it on his post about Metagame Archetypes in Modern.
Clean, simple. opponent starts at 20, ends at 0. Aggro focuses on using quick, effective creatures to crash in and take chunks off the opponent's life total. Aggro is arguably the fastest playstyle out there.
In our metagame, we have Red deck wins, A Deck focused on playing cheap, efficient, one-time use type creatures in conjunction with cost efficient burn spells. A typical Aggro deck should be able to finish the game withing 5 turns on a good day.

For the most part, Con has a point. That's what Aggro is all about. Taking the opponent down as fast as Magically possible.
The most renowned aggro deck in almost every format would be 'That Red Deck.'

Of course, there's Affinity in Legacy and Modern. There's Zoo in Modern. There's Boros in Modern.

Aggro is all about the fast game, and all about the fast win. Sideboard options usually focus on disrupting rather than directly shutting down threats. Diverting threats long enough for the swing in for the kill. (I.E Ghost Quarter is a faster solution to Tron than Tectonic Edge, for example.)

Aggro should never plan to play past 5 Turns. ("If an Aggro deck is going into Turn 5, it doesn't really deserve to win.")
If anything, -ALL- Good Aggro Decks should aim to win by turn 4. Even TURN 5 is PUSHING IT. If an opponent manages to outlast turn 6, they've gotten past the worst of it. They've gotten ANY threat you were able to post.
Aggro aims to win with explosive creatures like Ball Lightning, and Quick, Efficient beaters like Goblin Guide.

6/1 Trample commonly manages to nearly outright WIN for me.
2/2 haste manages to ensure your opponent starts at 18 Life.
Aggro is all about the fast game.

Join me next time as I talk more about my pet favourite, Red Deck Wins.

Until next time, love life! 


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