Sunday, September 16, 2012

An introduction - Constantine

Hello everyone,
I'm Constantine. I'm a 19 year old (as of this post) medical student, and i love Magic.
I started playing when i was 6 years old, over at some shop at siglap center own by an 'Uncle Fabian'.
I only started competitive Standard back in Lor-Ala standard. Running the Doran Rock deck which, at the time was a pretty big deck.

Anyways, after Doran came Jund. and after Jund came Valakut. However, with the arrival of my first girlfriend, i stopped magic entirely, a decision i regret until this day. 
About a couple of months back, i was called upon by a course mate by the name of Ryan Loh. This guy was probably the reason i returned back to MTG. First it was him, then his buddy, Justin. Slowly everything fell into place, a playgroup was born. 

While i was gone, i noticed that a new format called 'Modern' was launched. So i decided to delve into this after reading up more. Turns out that Modern allowed me to play as similar to Legacy, a format i always loved but couldn't afford to play, as possible.

So this blog will be dedicated to the format that everyone at team Tableflip and i love so much, Modern.
We will cover many aspects of the meta through the eyes of our members. From tournament reports to budget runs. From deck building tips to interviews with tournament winners. 

So keep reading, we'll try to keep everyone entertained and informed over the Modern metagame in Singapore!


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