Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tournament Report 23/9/2012

Let's see, how did the song go again? Something like "Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns."

The fight to defeat the Huns and defend our honour was supposed to begin at 2:45PM today, though I ran a little late because I had to run back home for my armour(read wallet), which meant I barely made it to the battlefield on time. I rushed out my deck list, and paid for registration right before the tournament began.

The battle begins now!

Deck used: GR Tron

Round 1: Restoration Control (Elmo)

Well, facing off against a member of your team is the last thing you want to do, especially if you're aiming to eliminate the outsiders from the Top 4. The show must go on, though.

Game 1: He drops a Turn 3 Geist on me, and counters my Wurmcoil/Karn when I finally managed to get Tron online on Turn 5, which meant I had no way of recovering.

Sideboard: I sideboard-ed 2 Guttural Response, 2 Ancient Grudges, and 1 Combust, removing 1 Gruul Signet, 1 Relic of Progenitus, and 1 Ancient Stirrings.

Game 2: I drew 2 of my Tron lands with Pyroclasm, Combust, Sylvan Scrying and an Explore. He drops another Turn 3 Geist and I die to it since I couldn't filter my colours and when I did, my only out to Geist was countered.

Round 2: White Weenies (Jake)

Yet another team mate. Such cruel, cruel pairings.

Game 1: I think I dropped a Pyroclasm to clear his field on the first few turns, before dropping a Karn to exile his Captain of the Watch. I dropped either Ulamog or Wurmcoil to win the game.

Sideboard: I boarded out 3 Relics and 1 Gruul Signet, and sideboard-ed in 1 Combust, 1 Whipflare and 2 Wall of Roots.

Game 2: He beats me down with several weenies, which I couldn't get rid of with Pyroclasm.

Game 3: I drop an early Wall of Roots after hitting Tron on Turn 3, which he exiles. I draw into Wurmcoil and then use it to win the game, because he didn't draw into any outs against it.

Round 3: Melira Pod (Con)

Yet another team mate. At this point, we were both 1-1, so whoever lost this wouldn't be able to get into the Top 4.

Game 1: I dropped a Powerplant on Turn 1 and tapped for an Expedition Map. He drops a tapped Temple Garden and ends while I dropped a Mine on my turn and ended my turn there. He then drops a Woodland Cemetery and a Thalia to end his turn. I crack my Map to search out Tower on the end of his turn. I played Tower and dropped an Oblivion Stone and Chromatic Sphere and ended right there. He plays a Harmonic lilver and destroys the Stone, and swings with Thalia. I laid Eye of Ugin on my turn and ended. He plays Godless Shrine and pods his Sliver into Restoration Angel and ends his turn. I used Ugin to search out Ulamog at the end of his turn. I played Ulamog on my turn and destroyed Angel. He drops a Dryad Arbour and Birds of Paradise and then Pods out his Thalia for a Kitchen Finks. On my turn, I played a Pyroclasm and he scoops.

Sideboard: I can't remember exactly what I sideboarded, but I think it was mostly artifact hate.

Game 2: He mulls down to 6 on the play, pay 3 life to fetch for an untapped Temple Garden with Marsh Flats. I play Tower into a Map and ended there. He goes for a Woodland and Qasali to blow up my Map. I play Relic while he plays Finks on our turns. I cast Torpor Orb and Chromatic Star on mine while he casts Pod. I crack my Star to draw. He plays a Swamp and swings with Finks, which I kill off with Beast Within and exile with Relic. He Pods his Bird out for a Qasali and a Viscera Seer. I used Map to search for Mine. Using Explore, I got my Tron online, though my Powerplant was quickly destroyed by a Fulminator. I use Map to grab out my Powerplant to bring out Karn to exile Viscera Seer which he sacrifices to scry. Qasali and the Beast kills Karn, while I search Emrakul out with Eye of Ugin. I use Ancient Grudge against Pod, which he uses to fetch out Phyrexian Metamorph by using Finks. I drop Emrakul on my turn and swing with him on my second turn. Metamorph comes back in as Emrakul, killing it but I drop an Ulamog I searched for to go for game.

Round 4: Splinter Twin (JY)

And yet another team mate. Like the last round, we were both 2-1, which means whoever lost won't be getting into the Top 4.

Game 1: He pulls off his Splinter Twin combo which means I lose.

Sideboard: I side in my Combust, Guttural Response, Torpor Orbs and Beast Within, though I can't remember what I removed.

Game 2: This was a long game as we both passed most of our turns, making small plays. He flashes in Deceiver Exarchs to tap my lands several times on my upkeep, which means I couldn't really make big plays.  I was finally able to drop Emrakul, which got exiled by a Trap he had. I made a huge misplay there as I forgot to use my Guttural Response to stop his Trap. I then drop Ulamog, which he attempts to counter, which was stopped my Guttural Response. Metamorph gets rid of Ulamog and destroys Eye of Ugin. Wurmcoil and Karn wins me the game, I think.

Game 3: Like the last game, this game took a long while with both of us making small plays. A Blood Moon stopped me in my tracks while Karn kept going down to 1 Loyalty due to his 3 creatures beating Karn in. A Pyroclasm quickly got rid of that problem, as Karn got up to 5 Loyalty, which meant I would still be able to exile his Blood Moon even after taking hits from his 2 Deceiver Exarchs. With Blood Moon out of the way, I played cautiously for 3 turns, wary of another Trap. I drop Ulamog to bait out his Trap, though he let it through. I finally went for Emrakul to go for game after seeing he only had 1 land untapped.


Round 4: Jund (Johnson)

Finally, an enemy! I shall avenge Elmo's defeat at his hands!

Game 1: He drops an early Liliana, and I discard Emrakul, allowing him to go back into the deck. A turn 3 Karn and All is Dust ensures that I win the game. I think Ulamog might have helped though.

Sideboard: I sideboarded in Beast Within, Whipflare, and Wall of Roots.

Game 2: Wurmcoil posed a huge threat against him, though he uses Liliana to sacrifice him, which gave me 2 3/3 Wurm tokens. He uses two of his Dark Confidants (or so I think.) to guard against the Deathtouch Wurm Token while I attempt to swing for Lili, while the Lifelink Wurm beats his face in. I take 3 turns to set up Oblivion Stone, placing a Fate counter on my token before blowing up the field. Another Finks returns to take the place of the one that died, killing my Wurm token afterwards. I drop another Wurmcoil which dies after getting bolted and blocking Bloodbraid Elf. With 2 3/3 Wurm Tokens, I drop Emrakul and take my extra turn, dropping a Karn to go for game.

Final Round: Jund (Julian)

We considered splitting the prizes amongst us, but decided against it afterwards since Con was too poor to buy Dark Confidant from us. Poor Con. (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?)

Game 1: Karn controlled him early on in the game, which meant that he was fighting an uphill battle. It didn't help that his 2 Dark Confidants triggered Bloodbraid Elf and Liliana. I somehow manage to pull out Emrakul and swing, clearing his field, also winning the game.

Sideboard: I sideboarded in Beast Within, Whipflare, and Wall of Roots. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

Game 2: Honestly, this game was a blur. All I remember was that towards the late game, I was down to 11 life, and he was at 14 thanks to Thoughtseize which he used to discard a card that I can't remember. On the next turn I dropped a Powerplant which allowed me to pull off Emrakul and swing him for game.

With that, I won the tournament, being the only member of Team Tableflip who made it into the Top 4. YEAAHHH, TEAM TABLEFLIP REPRESENT! On a side note, I really have to start recording my games, I just can't remember what goes on during the games.

And with that,
Peace out!


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