Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Deck Tech Wednesdays - Con -Doran Rock

Welcome back to another modern Deck Tech Wednesdays!

Today, i'll be talking about Doran! Everyone's favorite Siege Tower!

Doran Doran Doran, the explorer!
Editor's note: Really, Con? Really?
So, what makes Doran an awesome card?
He's 0/5. Under normal circumstance, he probably not the scariest thing around.
However, his effect makes it such that creatures deal damage according to their toughness.
Yes, this means that this dude is swinging for 5 on turn 3!

T1: Noble heirarch
T2: tapout for Doran
T3: Swing for 6 (exalted :>)

Of course, that isnt the only solid hit plan in the deck.

I'll run through the list i've been testing on cockatrice the last few days

4 Doran, The Siege Tower
3 Treefolk Harbinger
4 Tarmogoyf
4 Knight of the reliquary
4 Noble Heirarch
3 Spellskite
3 Qasali Pridemage

4 Path to Exile
4 Iquisition of Kozilek
2 Maelstrom pulse (Abrupt Decay as soon as RTR comes out)
1 Slaughter Pact
1 Elspeth Knight-Errant

1 Godless shrine
1 Horizon Canopy
4 Marsh flats
1 Murmuring Bosk
2 Overgrown tomb
2 Temple Garden
1 Stirring wildwood
2 Treetop Village
4 Verdant Catacombs

Okay, so this deck is essentially similar to Brian Kibler's Doran Rock list, with afew of my personal touches~ Here! ->

Card Choices

Hits hard. Lets his friends hit harder. FRIENDSHIP!

Treefolk Harbinger
Lets you consistently fetch for Dorans to drop on T3~
Plus, with Doran around, its a 1 mana 3/3
Imagine this
T1: Harbinger, fetch doran
T2: Spell skite (get my Doran some protection!)
T3: Cast Doran, swing with 'skite and harbinger for 7
T4: Crash in with Doran and friends. 19 points right there.

Knight of the Reliquary
A staple in any deck running fetch. Gets bigger as the game progresses, soon becomes too big to handle~ Doesn't rely on Doran to hit hard, making it pretty awesome

Noble Heirarch
Exalted, Mana acceleration and swings for 2 with doran around. (if attacking alone of course)
What more can you ask for?

You must be thinking. "But what if Doran gets pathed?"
No sweat clyde, Spellskite handles that. Protects the combo. AND swings in for 4 with Doran around

Qasali Pridemage
Artifact hate, Exalted, hits for 2 without Doran. Pretty good utility if you ask me.

What's worse than a 2 mana 3/4?
A freaking 2 mana 4/4. Every point of damage counts XD
With Doran around, prepare to hit for extra 1 point due to his +1 toughness bonus

Path to Exile
Probably the most efficient remover in the format

Inquisition of Kozilek
Disruption Disruption Disruption

Maelstrom pulse
Will be updated with Abrupt Decay when RTR comes out. Blows up stuff in your way. Very versatile in the sense that it blows up anything other than lands

Slaughter Pact
More instant remover!

Elsepth, Knight Errant
Interacts brilliantly with Exalted and provides defenses! works both offensive and defensively.

It's actually pretty straightforward, attack with Doran and friends and slowly break the opponent with disruption and removal.

I'm actually in the middle of a test game with this deck as i'm typing this.
I have to say, when i first picked up Doran back when it was in standard, i never knew that i would find myself running around with the Exact same Siege Tower years later. I Really. REALLY love this deck! XD

Anyways, I might post up some of the practice runs of this deck in future, and for future deck techs just to show how it runs!

Until next time! I'm gonna make like a treefolk and leaf!
That sounded much cooler in my head :<

What's a Doran discussion without some good ol' Dolan? XD
- Constantine
-Edited @26092012 by Ry.

1 comment:

  1. I think it should be 3 doran 4 harbringer instead. haha
