Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Deck Tech Wednesdays - Con - Naya Pod

Welcome to the very first Deck tech Wednesday! In this weekly post, i'll be talking about different modern decks! Sometimes i'll discuss established decks in the meta game and other times i'll be talking about rogue ideas etc etc.

This week, i'm gonna talk about Naya Pod.
I actually intend to run this deck this coming sunday (23rd september) at GH's Dark Confidant modern tourney. I actually play Melira pod, an older variant of this deck, on a regular basis and have come to accept it as my 'default' deck for the format. But recently it's been feeling a tad weak. So, i've decided to run out with Naya pod this weekend (assuming i can complete it by then). Let's get right into it then!

Deck: Naya Pod

Here's my list:

So this is the list i intend on running this weekend.

How it works:

So the kill combo usually works like this:
Creature with ETB untap permanent + Kiki-Jiki's ability.
For example, Kiki will create a copy of Deceiver Exarch, copy ETBs and untap's Kiki-Jiki. Rinse, repeat X 1'000'000.
Then swing in with 1'000'000 Very angry, Very hasty 1/4 Clerics.

Might Take awhile to get all these tokens out.
Credit to original artist

Kiki-Jiki also works with other cards that untap it in one way or another.
Restoration angel can blink it out, and since it has haste, thats a combo.
Zealous conscripts can uptap it when it comes into play.

Card choices:
One of the biggest strengths this deck has is that it runs 4 Birthing Pods and 4 Chord of callings.
Due to the tutoring capability of the deck, many silver bullets can be played for different situations. Notice that Harmonic sliver is in mainboard? Seriously. Who plays artifact/enchantment hate main board?
This deck apparently ^^||
Because of all the tutor cards, it's possible for this deck to run solutions to problems main board and only needing to pull them out when needed. Thus, toolboxing.

  • The one drops-

-Birds of Paradise

-Noble Hierarch

 As simple as it gets. Full set of both to try to go for the turn 1 drop. Helps accelerate into combo pieces.

  • The two drops-

-Phantasmal image
Phantasmal image is not only an excellent way of offing opponent's legendaries, it's also amazing in keeping combos going. Need another deciever exarch to untap your pod to continue a chain? This dude.

-Wall of roots
This guy keeps down aggro, adds mana and can be used for 2 mana when convoking a chord of calling. What's there not to love?

  • The three drops

 -Deciever Exarch
Untaps/taps stuff, used in pod chains. 'nuff said.

-Eternal Witness
Helps you replay your threats when necessary

-Kitchen Finks
I can safely say that Kitchen finks is probably one of my all time favorite cards. It works amazingly with the pod because of persist. And it works even better when you pod it out for a restoration angel.

+2 when etb, +2 after first persist, pod for angel, blink to remove counter +2, + 2 after second persist.

That's 8 life. off a finks and an angel. There's a good reason that almost all green decks in modern play finks.

-Harmonic sliver
Already explained, used for artifact/enchantment hate.

  • Everything else
-Birthing Pod
Core of the deck in many ways, it allows for searching and ultimately leads to the combo pieces being assembled.

-Chord of calling
Useful when Birthing Pod isn't around. More useful when Birthing Pod IS around. 2 tutors (and the mana to run them both) usually mean game due to the distribution of the combo pieces.

-Murderous redcap
Redcap is another silver bullet that can be used against many creature based decks. It also wins on it's own.

Pod redcap, search conscripts, untap pod, Pod persisted redcap, search kiki-jiki, kikiXconscripts will always be a better love story than twilight.

-Restoration Angel
Blinky Blinky! resets everything from persist counters to wall of roots -0/-1s. Also good on the defense. Surprise your opponent by flashing it in, blocking a creature. With a toughness of 4, she's not getting blown past so easily!

-Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
If the infinite combos surrounding this guy didn't get you, maybe the fact that he can create copies of our silver bullets might. Kiki + Harmonic sliver more is artifact destroy every turn. Imagine pulling kiki and avalanche riders against Tron!

-Zealous conscripts
Not only does Zealous conscripts help the deck by comb-ing off with kiki, the conscripts also can be used against the opponent in all kinds of fun ways. Planeswalker going to use it's ultimate ability? No sweat, steal it and laugh. and laugh. and laugh.

Because i'll be playing this deck this weekend, i don't think i'm going to spoil what's in my sideboard just yet ;)

Well That's the deck for this week. I hope you've enjoyed this!
Got a comment? disagree with a card choice? Drop us an email at
We're still very new so all feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Until next time,

See you real soon ;)

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