Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Introduction-Ryan Loh, Red Freak.

Why hello there!

Nice to meet you. I'm Ryan Loh, and unlike my comrades, I don't embrace the anonymity.

I'm not exactly the best Magic player around, and I frankly like to think I'm a JohnnySpike. ^^
I started playing Magic when Justin Lok, a bro of mine, brought it up in conversation.

Me: Bro, ever played MtG?
Justin: Yup.
Me: Tell me more!
Justin: So, of my favourite planes was Ravnica.
Me: The HELL is Ravnica? Or a plane?
Justin: A plane is alternate dimension, or planet or sorts. Like there's one plane called Kamigawa, based on Samurais and Ninjas and Onis and Spirits.
Me: Huh. Okay. Tell me about colors.

From that conversation we had, my interest was stoked. The very next time we hung out, we were bored. So we decided to head down over to the local game shop, and he bought me a Lorwyn Theme Deck.

One of my favourite theme decks. Ever.
From there, we started playing.

Now, back up, a coursemate of mine, Con, taught me HOW to play with two random decks he built. (A Fires of Yavimaya deck, and a Pyromancer's Ascension deck. Yes. Con is a sick bastard in the head. You'll start to realise this as time goes by.)

So, Justin and I worked with whatever we could build from his old collection, and I worked with Con on improving my Goblins.

It got to a point where BR Goblins was my specialty. It got to a point where I realised...Hm. Justin and Con should meet.

One of the best Lords in the game. Save for the Merfolk Lords, I suppose.
It was the POINT where I fell in love with Goblins as a playstyle. Slowly, I read up on how to play. I read MaRo's posts on DailyMTG(Mark Rosewater. Head Designer at Wizards.), and stuff on Channel Fireball, StarcityGames. You learn a lot more about the flavour, how each color is mechanically supposed to work. (Red=Burn, Blue=Control, White=Weenies, Black=Removal, Green=Creatures.)

That was how I slowly became a better aggro player, and a general Magic player, really.

[Now, one might assume I'm pigeon-holed into aggro(and admittedly, I AM pigeon-holed into making Aggro decks. Mainly due to my cardpool ^^;)...but I can play Control. And Combo, after repeated plays AGAINST a combo deck. (I learnt Con-Pod's chain of creatures after a month of play. xD)
I try to be varied. ^^]


So, Justin, Con and I met up one fine day, and from there...Team Tableflip was born!

Con, Ry and Justin, along with a random open Helvault from AVR Prerelease.
The rest is history.

I specialise in Modern, Limited Draft and a teeny tiny bit of Zombies in Standard(Current SoM/INN block)! You can look for me on Cockatrice, Reddit(r/magictcg, and r/spikes) and SGCardgames under 'opkil'

I hope you stay on, and learn more about us. :)

Tap R, Swing, Trigger, End.
Until next time, mates. Love your one drops.



  1. Hi Ryan, I am Chin Tuan. We met earlier. Good work on the blog. I like how you guys use a clear simple style to write your articles. I shall ask my son to check out your blog.

  2. Hi Chin Tuan, cheers!

    Feel free to email us, if you need any help :)

